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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Detroit: Democrat Ideas On Display!

This is a Guest Post by my buddy Hardnox. You can check out his most excellent blog HERE!

Socialist Utopia is a Model City of "Hope & Change"
Welcome to Detroit where the city's population continues to decline. US 2010 Census data reveals that Detroit's has LOST 25% of its population in the last ten years. In 1950 the city had 1.8 million residents. In 2010, it has barely over 700,000, down from about 1 million.

In other words, when most US cities have seen their numbers increase Detroit has declined despite a 50% increase (100 million) of the overall American population in the same time frame.

Detroit at one time had the highest median income of all cities with the USA.

So what happened?

60 years of non-stop Democrat Utopian ideals is what happened. Businesses and residents voted with their feet.

The video describes it quite well.

Another liberal kumbaya wealth-redistribution pipedream up in smoke. Coming to a city near you!

So How's that Hope & Change Thing Working out so far?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Liberals Take a Major Spanking Today

Ok, I get home from church this evening and drop by Foxnews.com The headline that screams at me is " Wisconsin Votes To Strip Union Rights!" Incredible Story! After three weeks of waiting on the 14 cowardly Democrat Senators, Gov. Walker and the Republicans stripped the Collective Bargaining portion out of the budget bill, and passed it as a stand-alone bill.

What really Struck me about this move, was the courage that it took. As time has went on, the unions have rallied protesters and forces in opposition to the union-busting. There has been a considerable amount of public outcry against the Governor. Polls even show that this was an unpopular move to a large portion of Americans. But Governor Walker did what was right, not what was politically expedient! He might have just thrown away all chances at a second term, but he was not elected to be a two-term Governor. He was not elected to please the union folks across America. He was elected to straighten up Wisconsin, and by-golly, that's what he was going to do, regardless of how many union thugs it hair-lipped! Governing from conviction, not opinion polls, commendable Mr. Governor!

The next headline read "NPR Dumps CEO After Hidden-Camera Sting"
OH That felt GOOD! After the despicable way in which they treated Juan Williams last fall, this headline was just SWEET!

Alright, Public Sector Unions. Confiscate money from members. (You can't teach school in WI unless you are a union member.) The Union then takes this Blood Money and campaigns for Democrat lawmakers, spending millions of dollars to get them elected. The Lawmakers are supposed to be the tax-payers representatives in financial negotiations with our civil servants. These law-makers are not negotiating on behalf of the taxpayer however, they are negotiating on behalf of the union. The unions then get sweetheart deals dealt to them, from taxpayers' money. This unholy alliance of confiscated union money and politicians needed to be broken! If in the private sector unions, the union bosses paid huge money to the company reps that were negotiating the contracts, somebody would be going to jail! The company crooks that took the bribe money would at least be fired!

So the Liberals took a spanking today, and I was struck by the fact that both of these situations deal with misappropriated public funds potentially being shut off. (NPR's funding is now in serious jeopardy.) And the libs are fuming! There have been calls for a nationwide general strike, for continued protests, and for a boycott of Wisconsin. Between all of the protests, and now this talk of strikes, this is starting to look like Greece. Libs tried to paint the protests as America's "Egypt Moment", when in truth, it is America's "Greece Moment." When people get addicted to nursing at the teat of the public coffers, they really throw a fit when it's time to wean them!

It's a good day to be a conservative!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Stock Market Update 03/07/2011

All three major indexes plummeted today as investors realized for the very first time that WE DON"T PRODUCE OUR OWN OIL!!! The cross-dressing madman that is target practicing on his own people in Libya has got most rational thinking Americans concerned about the stability of our energy supply. Several high falutin' stock brokers were seen today huddled beneath park benches on Wall Street muttering "Drill Baby Drill".

The White House released information today stating that "President Obama spits in the eye of everyone who doesn't drive a Prius," It was a significant sign of victory for the Obama administration as he closes in on fulfilling his campaign promises of $5.00 per Gallon Gasoline.

Disclaimer: This post may contain certain amounts of satire. However, the satire may have an eerie resemblance to the joke that exists in real life.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

More Deplorable Actions From The Left

My Feedburner is now up and running. I apologize to those who attempted to subscribe, but were unable to. As near as I can figure I was hacked by left-wing radicals. I am investigating the Huffington Post, but Michael Moore is also high in the running. New found lib friends Americus Paulytics from Facebook, and HurricaneDean from BrooWaha are also under suspicion.

Disclaimer: This post is purely sarcastic, just a vehicle to inform readers that my RSS subscription link is now up and running.